Dr. Innocent Ebere Uwah is a lecturer at the Department of Theatre and Film Studies, University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. He is a recipient of the Global Partners’ Award in Communications in 2010 (USA) and a fellow of All Africa House, University of Cape Town, South Africa (2013). He has published widely on Nollywood including a monograph: The Rhetoric of Culture in Nollywood (2013). His research interests are on the interface between representations and cultures, media and theatre education, identity constructions in films and religion communications.
Uwah, I. E. “From Rituals to Films: A Case Study of The Visual Rhetoric of Igbo Culture in Nollywood Films”, PhD Thesis, Dublin City University, Published online by DORAS – http://doras.dcu.ie/14914 (2009).
Uwah, I. E. (2013) The Rhetoric of Culture in Nollywood, Owerri: Eduedy Publications.
Uwah, I. E., 2008. “Nollywood films as a site for constructing contemporary African identities: the significance of village ritual scenes in Igbo films” in African Communication Research Journal, Vol. 1, no.1. pp 87 – 112.
Uwah, I. E., 2010. “The framing of child-witches in Nollywood [religious] representations” in Journal of Inculturation Theology, CIWA, Port Harcourt. Volume 11. pp 98 -109.
Uwah, I. E. 2011. “The representation of African traditional religion and culture in Nigeria popular films” in Religion, Media and Politics Journal, Volume 5, Number 1, Belgrade, Serbia. pp 81-101.
Uwah, I. E. 2011. “Nollywood and postcolonial pan-Africanism: Deciphering the transnationality of African cultures in Nigerian popular film industry”, in AfricanCommunication Research 4(1) Volume 4. Number 1. May 2011 pp 87 – 118.
Uwah, I. E., 2011. “Ethnicity as problematique in Nigerian socio-cultural context and films” in Areopagus – Journal of Church and State. Volume 1. Number 1. June 2011, pp 81 – 98.
Uwah, I. E. 2012. “Church and media in the evolving politics of Nigeria” in The Areopagus – Journal of Church and State relations, Volume 2, Number 1. June 2012. Port Harcourt. pp 76 – 89.
Uwah, I. E., 2012. “The representation of crime and violence in Nigerian narratives: Conceptualizing the parameters of a ‘failed state?” in Journal of Literary Society of Nigeria (JLSN) Issue 4, Benin: Regal. pp 79 – 84.
Uwah, I.E., 2012. “Identity and culture in theorising African perspectives of communication: The case of African cinematic model” in Communicatio: South African Journal of Communication Theory and Research. Taylor & Francis 38 (2) pp 181 – 194.
Uwah, I. E. 2012. “Production style in Nollywood film industry: A textual analysis of This is Nollywood” in Journal of Linguistics and Communication Studies, University of Port Harcourt, Volume 2, No. , pp 239 – 252.
Uwah, I. E and Krama, I.C. 2012. “The playwright, director and intellectual property right ownership in the theatre” in Ikogho: A Multidisciplinary Journal, Port Harcourt, Vol. 10, No 1 & 2, January – April, pp 45 – 51.
Uwah, I. E. 2013. “Citizen journalism in the context of New Evangelisation: The place of digital social media in church communications” inJos Studies, Volume 21, June 2013, St Augustine’s Major Seminary, Jos, pp 107 – 122
Uwah, I. E. (2013). “Finding God in Nollywood Films: Establishing Pathways to Applied Contextual Theology in Nigeria” in Kiabara: Journal of Humanities. Volume 19, Number 1, pp 69 – 80.
· Uwah, I. E. “Therole of the church in human management (responding to the challenges of the 21st Century)”, Bigard Memorial Seminary, Enugu, Nigeria, 2000.
· Uwah, I. E. “Contemporary African cinema and the challenges of Nollywood, Carlow African film festival”, Ireland, 2007.
· Uwah, I. E. “The visual rhetoric of culture in Nigerian films”, School of Communications, Dublin City University, 2007.
· Uwah, I. E. “Rethinking the visual representations of Africa on films: The case of Nollywood”, Conference of the Sociological Association of Ireland, in University College Dublin, 2007.
· Uwah, I. E. “Exploring the link between indigenous cultures and development: Drawing lessons from Nollywood films”, Kumasi-Ghana, April, 2008.
· Uwah, I. E “Britishness’ in Nollywood: The construction of British [European] identity in Nigerian films”, International Conference, University of Huddersfield, UK, June 2008.
· Uwah, I. E. “From rituals to films: Exploring the root paradigm of Nollywood films in village cultures”, Trinity College Dublin, 2008.
· Uwah, I. E. “Re-thinking African stereotypes: The case of Nollywood representations”, University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK, June 2009.
· Uwah, I. E. “Conceptualizing the role of the media for sustainable ecology in Nigeria: The case of postcolonial African cinemas”, CIWA, 2011.
· Uwah, I. E. “Intimidation in Nigeria: A model of leadership for development?” in Hope International Magazine, Volume 4, Fourth Edition, October 2011. Pp 6 – 7.
· Uwah, I. E. “Communicating change in the New Media Age: The role of directors of communication in the church” – Workshop for Nigerian Catholic Diocesan Directors of Communications, in Jalingo, Taraba State 2011.