- 1980 – Ph.D., from University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada
- 1978 – Masters in Geology from University of Alberta Edmonton, Canada
- 1972 – B.Sc Hons 21 GEOLOGY from University of Nigeria Nsukka, ENUGU .
- National Endowment Summer Institute, 2010
- Invent Foundation Science and Religion Award, 2007
- National Endowment Seminar, 2002
- Purdue University Fellowship, 1994-1995
- Maxima cum Laude, Invent College, 1985
- Head of Department of Geology, UNIPORT: 1988 – 1990
- Dean, Faculty of Science, UNIPORT: 1994 – 1998 (two terms)
- University of Lagos External Council Member: 2000 – 2004
- University of Port Harcourt, Council Member representing Senate: 2004-2006
- Chairman, Uniport council Committee on Internal Revenue
- Generating Units of the University: 2005-2006
- Chairman UNIPORT, Consultancy, Research and Development Centre (CORDEC): 2006 -2011
- Chairman, Board of Directors SSLT Program UNIPORT: 2009-2012
- Senate, Uniport; 1983-1998;
- Post Doctoral Research Petroleum Aid to Education
- Alberta, Canada; 1978 – 80, Ph.D
- Research. Imperial Oil of Canada; 1978 – 1980; PhD
- Research. NMGS/ELF award 1991 2nd Best Paper at the 1990 NMGS Annual Conference NAPE Geological Photo competition 1990 – 1st Prize Award
Abstracts Referred and Published: Amajor, L.C. 1982. Viking Reservoir Sandstones around Calgary, Alberta, Canada. A Lower Cretaceous Subsurface regressive barrier Island. 17th Annual Conference of NMGS, Calabar, Abst. Vol. p.6 Amajor, L.C. 1984. Sedimentary facies analysis of the campano-Maastrichtian Ajali Sandstone, NMGS, Nsukka, Abst. Vol. p.11. Amajor, L.C. 1984. Lower Cretaceous Viking Barrier Island, Southwestern Alberta, Canada, Bull. American Association Pet. Geologist, Abst. Vol. 68, p.44. Amajor, L.C. 1985. Sedimentological significance of exotic sandstone pebbles and cobbles in the Amasere Sandstone Ridge (Turonian) Southeastern Benue Trough, 21st Annual conference of NMGS, Jos p.109 Amajor, L.C. and Adiatu, B.O. 1985. Origin of Montmorillonite in the Turunian Ezeaku Shales, Southeastern Benue Trough, Nig. In. clay workshop, UNIPOPT, Port Harcourt, Abst. Vol. p.12 Amajor, L.C. 1986. Lithostratigraphic classification Tereminology and Procedural Practices in Nigeria. The need for a Nigerian Stratigraphic committee, 22nd Annual Conf. of NMGS, Port Harcourt Abst. Vol. p.23-24. Amajor, L.C. and Njoku, A.O. 1986. Lithostratigraphic framework of the Coastal Plain Sands and Benin Formation aquifers in Rivers State, Nigeria, 22nd Annual Conf. of NMGS, Port Harcourt, Abst. Vol. p.25-26. Amajor, L.C. 1990. Field Evidence for a possible Terminal Cretaceous tectonism in the Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria. NMGS 26th Annual Conf. Kaduna. Abst. Vol. p.33. Jubril, M.A. and Amajor, L.C. 1990. Depositional Dev. Of the Afam Clay Member (Late Middle Miocene) Niger Delta, Nigeria Abst. Vol.p.25 Conference Proceedings Referred and Published Amajor, L.C. 1985. Clay as source rocks for Petroleum (invited paper) Proceedings of Int. Clay Workshop, UNIPORT, Port Harcourt, (In press) Amajor, L.C. 1986. The Geochemical characteristics of Groundwaters in Port Harcourt and Environs. Proceedings of NWASA Symp. Nov. 1986, UNILAG, Lagos, 359-376 Amajor, L.C. 1987. The Ejamah-Ebubu Oil Spill of 1970; A case History of a 14 years oil spill. Proceedings of 1985 Seminar, Fed. Ministry of Petroleum Resources/NNPC Inspectorate Div. (Rd.)d. T.N. Nwankwo, 202-213. Amajor, L.C. 1988. Optimization of Nigerian Coal Reserve through maximal exploration (Discussant Paper). Proceedings of International Coal Symposium, Nov. 1988, Enugu, Organized by Nigerian Coal Corporation and PRODA (in press). Amajor, L.C. 1989. Parameters for determining the most favourable zones of petroleum accumulation in a basin. Presented by Ndefo of Elf (Nig.) Ltd., (Abridged by L.C. Amajor) Magma Vol. 1, p.11-13. Books or Chapters in Books/Monographs Peters, S.W., Ebong U. and Amajor, L.C. 1989. Geological Field trip Guide Book for parts of South eastern Nigeria on Coastal (Deltaic and non Deltaic) and shallow marine deposits pp. 42. Petropros. Int. Inc. Houston, Texas, U.S.A. Amajor, L.C. 1988. Principles of Petroleum Geology, chapter 3 in Short Course on Basic Pet. Tech. M. Onyekonwu (Ed). Organized by Dept. of Pet. Eng., UNIPORT, 74pp. Amajor, L.C. 1990. Geological Field Guide Book on Upper Cretaceous Delta and Associated Shelf to Basin Deposits: Proto-Niger Deltaic stratigraphic Sequence, Southern Benue Trough, pp.42. For Petropros Int. Inc., Houston, Texas, U.S.A. Amajor, L.C. 1990. Bibliography Survey for outcrop locations in the Sedimentary Basins of Nigeria 100pp. Elf Nigeria Ltd. Amajor, L.C. 2000. Ponded Turbidites (p.520) on the northern boundary fault system of the Greater Ughelli Depobelt, Niger Delta. BXE GEO Report NoBXE/182/12/2000, SPDC, Port Harcourt . Amajor, L.C. 2000. The Aboh-Onite Channel: Incised Valley full or Turbidite deposit. BXE Report No. BXE Report No. BXE/NFF/181/12/2000, SPDC, Port Harcourt Amajor, L.C. 2002. Geological Features along Port Harcourt-Okigwe Expressway. A second year Geology Fieldtrip/Roadmap for UNIPORT Geology Students, 24pp. Amajor, L.C. 2003. Depositional Environments and geometries, Modern Niger Delta. SPDC, Port Harcourt Vol. 1 Contract Co. EG5358. 150pp (for UNIPORT Consultancy, Research and Development Center). Amajor, L.C. 2003. Depositional Environments and Geometries, Modern Niger Delta. SPDC, Port Harcourt Vol. II 175pp Contract Co. EG5358. 150pp (for UNIPORT Consultancy, Research and Development Center). Amajor, L.C. and Ukaegbu, V.U. 2005. Fundamental Geological Principles of the earth. Emhai Publishing Comp. PH 180pp. Amajor, L.C. 2007. Basic Geology as related to Oil and Gas Reservoirs. In Ebeniro J. (Ed.) Overview of Petroleum Technology for non Technical staff of NNPC Organised by CORDEC 22-26 October 2007. 64pp. Amajor, L.C. and Anselem, C.C. 2008. Geology of the Niger Delta Lecture Text Produced by Schlumberger NEXT, pp120. Amajor, L.C. and Wolgemith Ken, 2008. Fundamental of reservoir Geology Lecture Text Produced for Schlumberger NEXT Network of Excellence in Training 13 – 15 February 2008, pp75 Articles Published in Learned Journals Amajor, L.C. and Lerbekmo, J.F. 1980. Subsurface Correlation of Bentonite beds in the Lower Cretaceous Viking Formation of south-Central Alberta. Bull Can. Soc. Pet. Geologists, 28, 149-172 Amajor, L.C. 1985. The Cenomanian Haitus in the Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria, Geol. Mag. 121, 39-50. Amajor, L.C. 1985. Biotite grain size distribution and source Area of the Lower Cretaceous Viking Bentonites, Alberta, Bull, Can. Soc. Pet. Geologists, 33,471-478. Amajor, L.C. 1986. Patterns of Hydrocarbon Occurrences in the Viking Formation, Alberta, Canada, Journal Pet. Geol. 9., 53-70. Amajor, L.C. 1986. Sedimentary Facies Analysis of the Campano-Maastrichtian Ajali Sandstones, South-eastern Nigeria. Bull. Nig. Min. & Geol. Sci. 171-176. Amajor, L.C. 1986. Alluvial fan facies in the Miocene-Pliocene Coastal Plain Sands, Niger Delta. Sed. Geol.29, 1-20. Amajor, L.C. 1987. Thoughts on the Aptian Paleogeography of the South Atlantic, Journal speculation in Sci. & Techn., 10, 165-175. Amajor, L.C. 1987. Major and trace element geochemistry of Albian and Turonian shales of the southern Benue Trough. Journal African Earth Sciences, 633-641. Amajor, L.C. 1987. Paleocurent, petrography and provenance analysis of the Ajali Sandstones (Upper Cretaceous), Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria. Sed. Geol. 54, 47-60. Amajor, L.C. 1987. The Ezeaku Sandstone Ridges (Turonian) of South-eastern Nigeria: A Re-Interpretation of their depositional origin. Nig. Journ. Min. and Geol. Vol. 23, 17-26. Ofoegbu, C.O. and Amajor, L.C. 1987. A Geochemical comparison of the pyroclastic rocks from Abakaliki and Ezillo, Southern Benue Trough Nigeria. Nig. Journ. & Geol. 23, 5-52. Amajor, L.C. and Lerbekmo, J.C. 1987. Lower Cretaceous Viking Barrier Island, Southeast Alberta, Canada, Nig. Journ. Min. & Geol. 23, 71-80. Amajor, L.C. 1987. Duration and Directional Evidence for the separation of South America from Africa: A Review. Nig. Journ. Min. & Geol. 23, 09-14 Amajor, L.C. 1988. Geological Appraisal of Groundwater Exploitation in the Eastern Niger Delta. In Groundwater and Mineral Resources of Nigeria, C.O. Ofoegbu (Ed.) Friedr. Vieweg & Sohn, Earth Evol. Sci. 85-100. Amajor, L.C. and Ofoegbu, C.O. 1988. Determination of Polluted Acquifers by Stratigraphically controlled Bio-chemical Mapping: Examples from the Eastern Niger Delta. In Groundwater and Mineral Resources of Nigeria, C.O. Ofoegbu (Ed.) Friedr. Vieweg and Sohn Earth Evol. Sci. 61-74. Okeke, P.O., Ofoegbu, C.O. and Amajor, L.C. On the Origin of the highly altered basalts, Southern Benue trough, Nigeria. Bulgarian Academy of Sci. Journ. Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, 24,55-57. Amajor, L.C. and Ofoegbu, C.O. 1988. Intracontinental Plate alkaline basaltic volcanism Uturu, Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria, Acta Universitatis Caroline Geological No. 2, 233-242. Amajor, L.C., Ofoegbu, C.O. and Okeke, P.O. 1988. Chemical evidence for the ultimate origin of the highly altered Cretaceous basalts Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria Geokhinmia Academy of Sc. Vol. 25, 68-84. Amajor, L.C. and Agbaire, D.W. 1989. Depositional History of the reservoir sandstones at the Akpor and Apara Oilfields, Eastern Niger Delta, Nigeria. Journ. Pet. Geol., 12(4),553-464 Amajor, L.C. Petrography and Provenance Characteristics of Albian and Turonian Sandstones, Southeastern Nigeria. In C.O. Ofoegbu (Ed.). The Benue Trough structure and Evolution. Friedr Vieweg and Sohn – Braunschweig/Wiesbaden p.39-57. Amajor, L.C., Ofoegbu, C.O. and Hardy, R., 1990. Comparative Geochemistry of the Cretaceous Pyroclastic rocks of Abakaliki and Uturu, Southern Benue Trough. In C.O. Ofoegbu (Ed.) The Benue Trough Structure and evolution. Friedr Vieweg and Sohn-brauncheig/Wiesbaden p.39-57 Amajor, L.C., and Adiatu, B.O. 1990. The Origin of Montmorillonite in the Ezeaku shales (Turonian, Southeastern Benue Trough, Nigeria, NCM, Vol. 2,0.5-9. Amajor, L.C. Grain Size Characteristics and Geological controls on Bed Load Sediments; A case study from the Imo River in Southeastern Nigeria. Journ. African Earth Sci. vol.9., No.3, 507-515. Amajor, L.C. and Lerbekmo, J.F. 1990. Depositional and Paleogeographic settings of the Viking (Albian) Reservoir sandstones of central and South-Central Alberta Canada, Part 1 Geometry and Depositional History. Journ., Pet. Geol. 13(3), 315-328. Amajor, L.C. and Lerbekmo, J.F. 1990. Depositional and paleogeographic settings of the Viking (Albian) Reservoir Sandstones of Central and South-Central Alberta, Canada Part II: Lithofacies analysis, depositional environments and paleogeographic setting. Journ. Pet. Geol. 13(4), 421-436. Amajor, L.C. and Ngerebara, D.D. 1990. Significance of Compositional and Textural Properties of Sands from Western Andoni Beach and Flanking Rivers (Andoni, Imo) Eastern Niger Delta. Nigeria Journal Min. Geol. 26, 269-277. Amajor, L.C. Aquifers in the Benin Formation (Miocene-Recent), Eastern Niger Delta Nigeria: Lithostratigraphym hydraulics and water quality. Journ. Environmental Geol. And Water Sci. 17(2), 85-101. Jubril, and Amajor, L.C. Mineral and Geo-chemical Aspects of the Afam Clay (Miocene) Eastern Niger Delta. Journ. NMGS Vol. 27, 95-105. Jubril, M.A. and Amajor, L.C. The Afam Clay Member: A Lower Miocene incised channel in the Southeastern Niger Delta. Journ. Marine and Pet. Geol. Vol. B., 163-173. Amajor, L.C. 1992. Storm induced Turbidite like deposits: An Example from the Turonian Ezeaku Formation at Nkalagu. Southeastern Nigeria. Nigerian Journ. Min. and Geology Vol. 28, p.7-17 Amajor, L.C. and Gbadebo, A.M. 1992: Oil Field Brines of Meteoric and Connate Origins in the Eastern Niger Delta Pet. Propvinee, Nigeria. Journ. Petrol. Geol. Vol. 15(4), p.481-488. Ogunfuyi, B.A. and Amajor, L.C. Organic Geochemical evolution of Agbadu Shales (Eocene-Recent) in the onshore, Southeastern Niger Delta. NAPE Bull. Vol. 5, p.25-32. George, C.F. and Amajor, L.C: 2006. Geometrical characterization of Recent fluvial deposits in the Niger Delta using Remote Sensing Techniques Accepted for publication by NAPE. Ozumba, B. and Amajor, L.C. Miocene climatic variations in the Niger Delta. Evidence from foraminifera. NAPE Bull., vol. 9, p.7-12. Amajor, L.C. Sequence stratigraphic framework of the Greater Ughelli Depo-belt, Niger Delta, An SPDC Sabbatical Project Report NOSPDC/09, 85pp. C. Amajor and Ukaegbu V., 2005. Fundamental Geological Principles of the Earth. Emhai Publ. Co. Choba, Port Harcourt 180pp. Amajor, L.C. Basic Geology as related to oil and gas reservoirs. In overview of Petroleum Technology for non-Technical Staff organized by CORDEC for DPR Staff, 22-26 October, 2007. Amajor, L.C. Strategies for mineral resource development in a democratic Nigeria 2007 and beyond. A discussion paper presented at the concluding seminar paper by Study Group four Senior Executive Course 29, 2007 NIPSS, Kuru, Jos. Odigi, M.I. and Amajor, L.C. Petrology and geochemistry of sandstones in the southeastern Benue Trough of Nigeria: Implications for provenance and tectonic setting. Chinese Journ. Geochemistry, 27(4), 384-394. Odigi, M.I. and Amajor, L.C. Origin of carbonate cements in the cretaceous Sandstones from Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria. Journ. Scientia Africana, 7(2), 101-118. Odigi, M.I. and Amajor, L.C. Geochemical characteristics of cretaceous sandstone sequences from the Southern Benue Trough, Nigeria. Chinese Journ. Geochemistry 28, 49-54. Odigi, M.I. and Amajor, L.C. Geochemistry of carbonate cements in Cretaceous sandstones, Southeast Benue Trough Nigeria: Implications for geochemical evolution of formation waters. Journ of African Earth Sciences 57, 213-226 Odigi, M.I. and Amajor, L.C. Brittle deformation in the Afikpo basin (Southeast Nigeria): Evidence for a terminal Cretaceous extensional regime in the Lower Benue Trough, Nigeria Chinese Journ Geochemistry 28, 369-376. CONSULTANCY REPORTS Amajor, L.C. The Potential Social and economic Impact of a Mackenzie Valley Pipeline on the northern Communities. Geolconsultancy Report Submitted to Mackenzie valley Pipeline Inquiry ppp.25. Amajor, L.C. Groundwater Supply Schemes for Okehi urban and Kalabari Districts, Rivers State. A report submitted to Rivers State Min. of Elect. & Watrer Supply pp. 6. Amajor, L.C. Continental Margins, Protection and Exploitation. A Report submitted to the Oceanography Committee (Chairman – Oyefo) of the NMGS pp. 7. Amajor, L.C. Preliminary Geological Re-evaluation of the Mineral Limestone deposits of the Ngbo Mining Lease No. 9801, Ishelu LGA, Anambra State. A Report Submitted to NIGERCEM, NKALAGU, pp.28. Amajor, L.C. A Report on the Geological Survey for Calcerous, Siliceous and stone Materials in the Eastern States of Nigeria. A report submitted to Path Securities and Investment Ltd., Port Harcourt, pp.34. Amajor, L.C. A Hydrologeological Investigation of the Petro-chemical site at Eleme. A report submitted to Bee drilling services Ltd. Port Harcourt, pp. 51 Amajor, L.C. Hydrogeostratigraphy of Moscow Road Borehole, Port Harcourt. A Report submitted to Utility Board, Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Pp.33. Amajor, L.C. Evaluation of clay deposits of Ozubulu Anambra state for ceramic usage. A report submitted to Georesources Ltd. Enugu, pp.18. Amajor, L.C. Hydrogeostratigraphy of the Deep Boreholes at NAFCON SITE ONNE, Port Harcourt. A report submitted to Bee Drilling Services Ltd. Port Harcourt, pp.17 Amajor, L.C. 1987. Hydrogeostratigraphy and Design of Okpoma Borehole, Okpoma, Ogoja LGA, Cross River State. A report submitted to Bee Services Ltd, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, pp.8. Amajor, L.C. 1988. Hydrogeostratigraphy and Design of Diobu 1 borehole, Port Harcourt. A report submitted to Bee drilling services Ltd., Port Harcourt. Pp.7. Amajor, L.C. scientific Report on the Oil and Grease contents of the Soil and surface waters at SPDC flow station 4 at Korokoro, Bori, Rivers State. A report submitted through Barrister N. Oriji to the Community, pp.12. Amajor, L.C. 1986. Phosphate-potash-salt-sulphur survey for NAFCON, Port Harcourt (Dept. of Geol. UNIPORT Consultancy Team). pp.78. Amajor, L.C., Nwajide, C.S; Akande, S.O., Zaborski, P. and Onuoha. K.M. 2006. The Petroleum Systems of the Nigerian Interior Basins. An SPDC Special Report pp125 Amajor, L.C., 1997. Evaluation of clay deposits at Kakawa, Ogoni Land Rivers State, UNIDO, 28pp. Amajor, L.C., Evaluation of Industrial Sand in Eastern Nigeria, Mosumolu Ltd Prof. Adejobe O.S., 45pp. Amajor, L.C., Zaborski, P.M., Akande, S.O., Nwajide C.S. and Onuoha, K.M. 2006. Petroleum System of the Nigerian Interior Basins for SPDC Nigeria Ltd., PH 308pp. Amajor, L.C. 2004. Depositional Environments and Geometrics, Modern Niger Delta I submitted to SPDC Port Harcourt. 148pp. Amajor, L.C. 2005. Regional Depositional Environmental Maps from Satellite Imageries, Niger Delta, II, submitted to SPDC, Port Harcourt. 172pp. Amajor, L.C. 2006. The Internal Revenue Generating Units of the University of Port Harcourt. A report submitted to the University of Port Harcourt Council, 2006. 106pp. Amajor, L.C. 1991. Groundwater resources evaluation for Ngbodo Isuochi, Abia State, Directorate for Rural Development, Umuahia, 104pp. Amajor, L.C. Soil Investigation for substructural design for tank foundations at Ataba, Okoroagu Asarama, Otuabagi, and Aggah, Rivers State Water Board, 38pp. Amajor, L.C. 1984. NAFCON Water Well Development Phase I: Drilling and evaluation: Bee Drilling Borehole Company PH. 122pp. Amajor, L.C. Geotechnical Subsoil Studies of Premabiri Koko and Sampou. Niger Delta Basin Development Authority. 85pp. Amajor, L.C., 1992. Surface (VES) and down the hole geophysical survey for Bille, Akassa, Odioma, Kula, Peremabiri, Azagbene, Amabolou and Ndoni 1.5% Implementation Committee, Rivers State. 39pp. Amajor, L.C., 1988. Geological field tours of southeastern Nigeria Petropros International Incorporated Houston, Texas, USA. 157pp. Amajor, L.C., 1992. Review of geological literature of Nigeria sedimentary Basin by ELF Oil Company, 100pp. RECENT OIL COMPANY CONSULTANCY PROJECTS: THE SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL POROSITY VARIATION IN OML 90. An investigation carried out by the Petroleum Geology Research GMP of the Department of Geology University of Port Harcourt, Cordinated and Directed by Prof. Levi C. Amajor for CHEVRON NIGERIA LTD (2011-2012) (Phase 1). THE SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL POROSITY VARIATION IN OMLs 83, 86, 88 Phase II FOR CHEVRON NIGERIA LTD 2013-2014. GEOLOGICAL AND HYDROGEOLOGICAL DATA GATHERING FOR MUDFLOW MODELING OF THE GROUNDWATER FLOW STRUCTURE OF THE BENIN FORMATION IN OML58. An investigation I carried out for TOTAL EXP NIGERIA LTD, Port Harcourt, Rivers State Nigeria (2013-2014).
i) Nigeria Mining and Geoscience Society ii) Geological Society of Africa iii) American Association of petroleum Geologists (AAPG) iv) Geological Society of America (GSA) v) Geological Society of Canada (GSC) vi) Society of Economic Mineralogist and Paleontologists (SEMP) vii) International Association of Sedimentologists (IAS)